Mapping The Web

November 8, 2006

Blogging about Blogs and Bloggers

Tags: blogs, strategy, trends — Aidan @ 1:05 pm

If you’ve read MappingTheWeb for any period of time, you will have noticed that I reference a few individual blogs more than all other sources combined. These include TechCrunch, Mashable, and GigaOM. These A-list blogs are considered among the top web 2.0 blogs on the entire web. They all offer different views, perspectives, and niches. I highly recommend all readers subscribe to these blogs. Though they’re not quite as interesting as MappingTheWeb, they’re definitely full of quality content. Ok, ok… they’re much better… for now.

TechCrunch is the token web 2.0 blog. The blog has more RSS subscribers than any TechCrunch logoother on the net (approximately 136,000 as of this posting). And remember, RSS hasn’t even caught on yet, or gone mainstream. This stat doesn’t count people who simply visit the site on a regular basis or have it bookmarked.

The blog focuses on web 2.0 start-ups and product launches. It has proven to be a very lucrative niche for its creator Michael Arrington. TechCrunch is only a year and a half old, but has already pioneered a new form of PR and publicity on the net. Arrington is considered by many to be the king of the blog world. His combination of smart decision-making and excellent execution, with a touch of luck and good timing, has catapulted nothing to something in a short period of time. Reports claim that the blog makes over $120,000 a month in advertising, a far cry from the meager $0.50 a month most bloggers scrounge from Google AdSense.

Disclosure: MappingTheWeb makes no money. Period. Don’t laugh. I hear you laughing.

Mashable was launched by Pete Cashmore in late 2005. I really love this blog because of its niche. The blog focuses on ’social networking 2.0′. Companies profiled and featured include YouTube, MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, and Xanga. I reference the site a lot as I always have opinions and commentary with respect to these social web 2.0 start-ups. I will continue to read the blog regularly and watch it grow in popularity. Already it has blossomed to the mid 2,000’s on Alexa. Very, very respectable for any blog.

Last but not least, we have GigaOM. This blog focuses more on broadband and wireless. It was launched by Om Malik, a former editor at Business 2.0. Though he still writes a periodic column, he quit his main post to pursue his blog ambitions. He raised a round of financing and launched a network of related blogs and sites. I really appreciate the depth and insight of all posts. They are genuinely interesting and informative. Currently, its Alexa rank is hovering around 3,000. Pretty darn good, Om.

Oh… did I mention TechCrunch has an Alexa rank of around 500? Eat your heart out Mike Arrington. Just kidding. Please don’t hate me. about Blogs and Bloggers digg:Blogging about Blogs and Bloggers reddit:Blogging about Blogs and Bloggers

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