Archive for April, 2008

Why I Stopped Reading TechCrunch and Mashable

Monday, April 7th, 2008

A little while back, I stopped reading TechCrunch and Mashable. This shouldn’t really come as a surprise. I’m sure others have done the same. Degradation in the quality of content is my main reasoning. A combination of thoughtless articles and copycat posts just isn’t compelling to me. The same can be said for numerous other top tech blogs. I may peek in from time to time, but overall, they just aren’t worth my time and attention.


Wikipedia and Ownership

Friday, April 4th, 2008

Wikipedia has revolutionized the concept of user-generated content and brought wikis to the forefront of technology trends. It is the poster child of web 2.0. Even so, the site still gets bombarded with criticism on a daily basis. Some social media critics, most notably Andrew Keen, cite two major flaws centered around ownership.


Moving Forward Means Jumping Backward

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Evolution is a funny thing. It is the gradual process of improvement, whereby every cycle leads to a more superior result - whether it be an organism or a product. Having said that, evolution is not an exact science. Quantitative analysis cannot be employed and qualitative analysis may vary depending on the views of the observer. Over time, external factors and changes in the surrounding environment may skew the ultimate path of the original design. This leads us back to humanity and, well, the Internet. As we continue to push forward, the future begins to look eerily similar to the past. Evolution has come full circle.
