Archive for the ‘design’ Category

Seesmic Video Comments

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

I know I’ve criticized many services recently, but I get upset with poor judgment. Video comments from Seesmic are no exception. I see no value in them. In fact, I find them counterproductive and downright annoying.


The Demise of Facebook?

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

In a short period of time, Facebook has established itself as one of the top social networks on the Internet. But this meteoric rise has hit a plateau. It’s hard to say why this has happened, but my guess is that Facebook applications are starting to have an adverse effect on the network.


The Browser is the New Desktop

Monday, May 12th, 2008

The migration from desktop to Internet continues. Nowadays I find myself using very few apps on the desktop. More and more, I am transitioning to online services as the quality and scope of services increases.


Is AJAX On The Way Out?

Friday, May 9th, 2008

The frenzy days of web 2.0 are over. Thank God. With it, many of the buzz words parted, although some continue to linger. Among the lingering stragglers, “AJAX” continues to nab the spotlight from time to time. Its slickness and interactivity have been applauded by many, while others believe this technology is on the way out.


Feasibility Demands Honesty

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

When developing an idea into a full-blown business model, there is a fine line between optimism and irrational exuberance. It is important to embrace positive energy, but also maintain a level focus. Too often, start-ups acquire tunnel vision and fail to see the big picture. This clouded judgment can bring about catastrophic consequences.
