Posts Tagged ‘twitter’
Thursday, June 25th, 2009
Twitter abuse is now a pandemic - at least in my mind. People are recklessly using of this micro-blogging application, often without a purpose or goal in mind. This is one of the main reason I don’t use the service as much as I used to. The concept of value has become lost among a sea of thoughtless, frenzied tweets. (more…)
Tags: abuse, application, content, facebook, flickr, micro-blogging, social media, tweets, twitter, youtube
Posted in blogs, content, networks, social media, trends, web issues | 40 Comments »
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008
The way I see it, micro-apps are the future of the web application. These tiny apps only do one thing in particular - but they do it well. As opposed to more robust applications, micro-apps focus on a single task and target that problem with a specialized solution.
Tags: adoption, APIs, competition, features, micro apps, open source, rss, trends, twitter, web apps
Posted in blogs, content, design, launch, networks, social media, trends, usability | 26 Comments »
Monday, June 16th, 2008
Everyone likes hearing their own voice. But not everyone has something important to say. In fact, it is highly unlikely that everything anyone says is overly compelling. For this reason, I believe that excessive Twittering is a form of ego-blogging.
Tags: blogging, content, ego, engagement, followers, tweets, twitter
Posted in blogs, chat, content, marketing, networks, off topic, social media, web issues | 7 Comments »
Thursday, June 5th, 2008
When I’m catching up on the day’s headlines, I turn to numerous channels and sources. Generic news sites lack significance and don’t offer meaningful content. The ability to weed out the excess and focus on what’s important to you is the ultimate goal.
Tags: blogging, content, digg, friendfeed, friends, mixx, news, newsletters, newsvine, publishing, rss, social media, source, techmeme, techsted, twitter
Posted in blogs, content, networks, off topic, social media | 5 Comments »
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
Today’s “Cash or Trash” company is Twitter.

Tags: business model, cash or trash, company, financing, growth, investing, potential, revenue, twitter, valuation, web 2.0
Posted in cash or trash | 9 Comments »